Friday, February 11, 2011

Utilize QR Codes to Drive Leads to Your Car Dealership

by Paul Potratz on Jan 24, 2011

If you keep up with the latest digital trends, you know about QR codes. They're similar to bar codes (only with a 2-dimensional pattern) and can be scanned by any smartphone with a QR reader. Once someone scans a QR code, he sees a coupon, special website, video, or whatever the advertiser chooses to use. The opportunities for automotive advertising with QR codes are endless, and we've talked about several ways to use them in the past.

Some car dealers might dismiss QR codes as a passing fad and insist on sticking with traditional advertising. But QR codes are being used everywhere from bookstores to movie posters, and (a bit closer to home for dealers) by auto manufacturers such as GM and service centers such as Jiffy Lube. A QR code in a direct mail piece, flier, window sticker, computer screen, or anywhere else offers great potential to engage consumers beyond just a passing glance for both sales and automotive service center marketing.

It's just a matter of time before QR codes become so widespread that everyone knows about them and is using them. Dealerships would do well to get ahead of the game.

View Original Article: DrivingSales

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